Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Opinion, Learn English or go home.

Billboards, hooray for the first amendment. 'nuf said?

This Weeks DVD Review -- Inside Man

Even if this movie didn't have a top notch cast it would still be a great movie. It has a very clever plot that keeps you guessing. I found it a very intriguing with twists and turns in all the right directions. I have long been a fan of Clive Owen since movies like Closer, Beyond Boundaries, Croupier and Derailed. I've haven't ever really warmed up to Denzel Washington, or seen him in a role that just amazed me. I know you're saying he supposed to be one of the best black actors of this generation but for some reason he just seems "plain jane" and unnatural to me. However, when you add a stellar supporting cast, Willem Dafoe, Christopher Plummer and Jody Foster all is immediately forgiven. Oh, what's it about...Denzel plays a cop and Owen plays a bank robber who is trying to rob New York's biggest bank (ed note: its not your typical cops & robbers movie). Thrown in are the supporting cast all with their own agendas. which are uniquely interwoven into the main plot. Don't miss Owen's opening scene or you'll be sorry at the end. LISTEN CLOSELY, he doesn't repeat it. The DVD has the usual commentary by director, 25 min. of deleted scenes and some other goodies you might enjoy. I give it a solid 8 out of 10. Sorry short review this week, brain death is an ugly thing.

Monday, March 12, 2007

This Weeks Movie Review - Number 23

Although this movie has been poorly panned by critics everywhere, the scores where fairly high in our group. 9,7,7,8,8. The movie did have it's problems and the others were expecting a horror movie. I was expecting a mystery. Which is what it's classification turned out to be. The main comment seemed to be that they liked it's originality. I'm sure that's not the case as there really isn't such a thing as an original idea anymore. It's been thought of before even if it hasn't been done yet. And...I'm sure there are several movies that will correlate with the movie's storyline. Although I thought there were a few spots where Carey tried too hard to act, overall I felt his performance was OK and it was great to see him OUT of his comedic role. My recommendation is if you have another movie you really MUST see, see it first. But, don't discount this movie just because of what "the critics" say. Our scores showed that there must be some value in the movie. Different strokes, eh? I wouldn't rush out to see it again but I'm not sorry I went to see it either. I guess its a call you'll have to make. Next weeks review...300