Wednesday, March 07, 2007

This Week's DVD Review

Babble was soooo appropriately titled. It received 7 academy award nominations and 7 golden globe nominations. Which tells you that nominations aren't worth crap. I found the movie VERY slow and EXTREMELY tedious. I would call it Crash* in three countries because the idea has already been done, and much better. One reviewer wrote "There's a lot to chew over in Babel. But because it's overstuffed, it also means that there's a lot not worth swallowing. Because of its thematic flaws, Babel isn’t the masterpiece some are claiming. " I wholeheartedly agree. The whole story about the deaf Japanese teen whose only goal in life is to get laid put me totally to sleep. Is sign language the same in Japanese??? I'll have to look that one up. I did totally agree with the way they portrayed the media...always over sensationalizing things and waaaaayyyy off base interjecting fear into the public at large without the facts. Way to go guys! My score on a scale of 1-10.....1 (it did have one character which was well written and well acted, the tour guide). This one gets my stamp of "Worst movie of the century" and is second only to "Lost in Translation" (which really was lost in translation).

*Note: if you want to watch a totally excellent flick on this same order do check out Crash, if you haven't already seen it. A Solid 9!


Anonymous said...

Damn George, Did we even see the same movie? It seems like you watched the Cliff's Notes version. The movie I saw was filled with sorrow and despair, with alienation and rage. With a young girl's need to be seen and maybe touched, and loved, because she couldn't be heard. I saw a movie with people in a far away place desperate for help, literally dying for a connection with other people. The underlying theme in this movie was that all these people survived on the smallest glimmer of hope, dimmed by the fog of not being able to communicate with other human beings. Think back to your old bible studies (or ask Liz!) about the tower of Babel and then reconsider the movie.
Crash was a good movie about people on a rough road but Babel delt with far more personal issues.
Next time I'll send something way more cheesy and hope you like it better!

Jim said...

I liked Babel because of its Tower of Babel roots, that we are all connected through experience and separated by the language of communicating such. Rinko (Japanese girl) was actually my favorite since she nailed the unrealized want and need for that connection.

(Love ya but we arent going to any movies together, lol)

George said...

You both have solid arguments and very valued opinions. I did do research on the Tower of Babel, to refresh my failing memory, before I watched the movie. Your comments are very well thought out and written. What makes life soo wonderful is that we can agree to disagree. I'm still glad I didn't plant my ass in a theatre for this amount of time, on this particular movie. Its possible I'm too much of a philistine to appreciate it. To quote Bridget Fonda, "I never did mind the small stuff."