Monday, October 03, 2005

I love doing 3d design! This is my new logo. Your comments about this logo are appreciated.
Down with browser detects

Recently I went to check a site for a client. The site had a browser detect for Internet Exploder. Even spoofing my user agent I was not able to get in. If the internet is truly the communication tool of the future these people will have to get with the program and realize that we are all individuals and will use the browser of our choice. Which brings up another point...I believe the reports that 70% of the market is for IE is total hogwash. Firewalls allow information hiding, users can spoof their user agent and I'm sure a mariad of other things can affect the results Perhaps since Longwait (Longhorn) has been thrown on the scrap heap and replaced with vista they will do the same with IE (hope upon hopes).